Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The Herd

Mohammad Bin Lamin

Was Born in Libya in 1969. He is completely self-taught as an artist and works with several expressive mediums including painting, sculpture, digital art and photography * Bin Lamin has over the years developed signature painting methods and secret techniques for other works that are yet to be unraveled * His pieces are inspired by Libya’s rich cultural and artistic heritage and draws upon its history, going as far back as the ancient cave paintings in the southern mountains and the surreal identities that the country has had to endure over the centuries * His mix of colours, shapes and forms reflect on Libya’s landscapes; and, in particular, the Sahara desert, the Mediterranean Sea as well as the country’s more modern urban and rural fabrics * One of his most celebrated pint- series is the “Yellow Beings” that is of unusually shaped colourful creatures who stand, pose and dance in different positions * During the February 2011 Revolution, Bin Lamin suffered as a prisoner for 6 months & 5 days at the infamous Abu Salim prison; but, undeterred by the limited environment, he drew on the walls, etched faces on Tin food containers and after his release from prison he created many sculptures from empty bullets, shells and other recycled war material * Bin Lamin’s work has been exhibited in Libya, Egypt, United Kingdom, USA, China, Arab Emirates, Lebanon, Italy, Netherlands, Denmark, India, Turkey, Malta, Tunisia,

Friday, June 1, 2018

Libyan Funeral - الدفينة

Artworks, Composition & Editing

By Mohammad Bin Lamin


By Mohammed Ghennewa


By Gabriel Dharmoo

فكرة وأعمال فنية وتنفيذ

موسيقى تصويرية

من ألحان الموسيقي المبدع محمد قنيوة

توزيع سيمفوني

غابرييل دارمو

"الدفينة" وهو مهدى لكل

الذين ماتوا أو قتلوا وهم يحلمون بحياة أفضل

دون أن يتحقق من ذلك شيئاً على الأرض التي

احترقت ...

💥الدفينة عمل متواضع قمت بأعداده وتنفيذه

كعرض مسرحي استعراضي وافتراضي

بلوحات رقمية, درامية مسلسلة يعبر

عن تفشي الموت الجزافي وتواتره جراء الحرب

وهوان الأرواح والعدوان العبثي وتكريس اعتياد

سفك الدماء والإيغال في العنف بين أبناء الوطن

💥 يركز العمل على مراحل من تقاليد الجنازة

والدفن في ليبيا


أجْلَسَنِي عَلَى رُكْبَةِ الْقَتْلِ وَقَالَ لي أُنْظُرْ لِهَذَا الدَّم.

قُلْتُ هَذَا نَهْرٌ كَبِيْرٌ أَحْمَر.

قَالَ أَيُّـهُ بِحَقٍ وَأيُّـهُ بِغَيْرِ حَق؟

قُلْتُ وَمَا يُدْرِيْنِي.!

قَالَ أُنْظُر أَكْثَر.

فَنَظَرْتُ، فَرَأَيْتُ الدَّمَ الْبَاكِي يُغَالِبُ الدَّمَ الضَّاحِكَ

وَبَيْنَهُمَا زَغَارِيْدٌ لاَ يَبْغِيَان..

قَالَ إِنْزِلْ فَضِفَـتُكَ الْجَهْل.

ثُمَّ حَرَكَ بِعُكَازِه الأَصْفَرَ طَمْيُ الأَرْضِ وَرَاحْ...

* من كتاب المجالسات

محمد بن لامين


He sat me down on the killing- knee, and said to me:

Look at this blood!

It is a big red river, I said

Who is right, and who is wrong, he asked

How do I know, I said

Look more, he said

I looked and saw the weeping blood overwhelming the laughing one,

between them peaceful sprinkles

Come down, he said. Your character is ignorance

Then he moved with his crutch the yellow earth clay, and went on.

* Mohammad Bin Lamin

Translated by Hussein Majeed


Saturday, June 20, 2015

MBL New Chemical Media

Mohammad Bin Lamin
Was Born in Libya in 1969. He is completely self-taught as an artist and works with several expressive mediums including painting, sculpture, digital art and photography.

Bin Lamin has over the years developed signature painting methods and secret techniques for other works that are yet to be unraveled.

His pieces are inspired by Libya’s rich cultural and artistic heritage and draws upon its history, going as far back as the ancient cave paintings in the southern mountains and the surreal identities that the country has had to endure over the centuries.

His mix of colours, shapes and forms reflect on Libya’s landscapes; and, in particular, the Sahara desert, the Mediterranean Sea as well as the country’s more modern urban and rural fabrics.

One of his most celebrated pint- series is the “Yellow Beings” that is of unusually shaped colourful creatures who stand, pose and dance in different positions.

During the February 2011 Revolution, Bin Lamin suffered as a prisoner for 6 months & 5 days at the infamous Abu Salim prison; but, undeterred by the limited environment, he drew on the walls, etched faces on Tin food containers and after his release from prison he created many sculptures from empty bullets, shells and other recycled war material.

Bin Lamin’s work has been exhibited in Libya, Egypt, United Kingdom, USA, China, Arab Emirates, Lebanon, Italy, Netherlands, Denmark, India, Turkey and Malta.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

En Portada. "Libia, la hora de la verdad"

  • El 17 de febrero se cumple un año del comienzo de las revueltas en Libia
  • En Portada viaja al país para tomar el pulso al arranque de la era post-Gadafi
  • Comprueba sobre el terreno el poder de las milicias y la falta de seguridad
  • El reportaje cuestiona los verdaderos motivos de la intervención internacional


Mohammad Bin Lamin, artista, uno de los viejos conocidos de En Portada, con los que nos reencontramos en este viaje. Pasó todo el tiempo de las revueltas preso en la terrible cárcel de Abu Salim. Nos encontramos con él alli, donde no había vuelto desde su liberación

En Portada. "Libia, la hora de la verdad". Álbum de rodaje

Saturday, November 12, 2011

النار في مصابيح مصراتة

النار في مصابيح مصراتة

سولارا صباح

أولا إلى ثائر رائي رأى الثورة بعين البصيرة قبل ان تقوم بألف عام فقال:هيأت لك

ثانيا إلى رجل نظر الى مصراته فرأى ليبيا تنتحب.. فبكى واسند قلبه على ريشة الوان رمادية فلطخ جدران السجن بلون الحرية
ثم إلى الفنان محمد بن لامين من اجتمع فيه الأول والثاني

النار فى مصابيح مصراته

وقال إنه لم يترك
بوابات المدينة مشرعة

ولكن الريح أتت, قال رأسى غيمة تركتها فى سماء المدينة,, فنمت او مت ـ أحلامي مفقودة لعدة أيام -- وربما أكثر من أسبوع -- تقلص الوقت وتوسع – ثم نفقت مرونة أحلامي .ولكن جاءنى الملاك يحمل أٍسم مصراتة, فرأيت وجهها .. رأيت مصراته تصرخ, شاهدت يدي تتكور في الظلام كشاهدة قبر أمى أوكأنها إنزلقت من السماء بالكامل وهوت فى الارض في الرمح المفاجئ للضوء

-- مدخل ــ ـ ـ

أنظري يا مصابيح مصراتة
انظري ماذا فعلت الأفكار!
إنها مروحة الخلاص ،

أشعلت النارَ في العفنِ/.

رأيت نفسي

حلقة من عظام


كانت لي أشياء بسيطة ، كرسي ، ملعقة ، صخرة رمادية ناعمة , محبرة والوان

توسل طفل الجيران لارسم له طائرة و برتقالة وقلادة حمراء

كنت فى عالمي الخاص, لم ار الفرح فى عينيه

الآن يا طفلى الباكي سوف أرسم صورة

مجرد خط يتلاشى على ورقة من دفتر الملاحظات

يمتد يمتد يعلو فى شكل مصباح ابيض

واستمع للغة الغائبة

لتهدئة ظل قلبي المشرف على الانتقام

قلت: أنا الخائف وددت ان ألف ما الفته فرأيت

الخراب والخلاص وكل من يتكلم هذه اللغة غائب

حطمناك يا مصابيح لاستعادة وجودنا

من هذا التناقض تنبثق روح مصراتة كفينق هائل الاجنحة

نم ياقلبى ، نحن قد نكون كل الأنواع المدمرة

فصارت علبة الواني أصغر من يدي المتكورة فى ظلام " أبوسليم"

يا مصابيح مصراتة

يابذور قوس النصر الأحمر في الأفق

تحولت الى أورفيوس

لأغنية منقوشة فى مدرج الخلاص بعناية

(وجاء الموتى)

من الصحراء

فقلت: أود أن أبدأ من العدم

قلت أنا أحمق طبيعتي جامحة

لقد كان العالم بلدى ولكنه تفتت الى ذرات
لاعمدة من نار تلتف بمصراتة وتسطع كالمصابيح

يا مصابيح: تحت المطر ومع الرياح بجانب الاشجار,فى الحقول. ضوءك الشاحب يتفدم.. يتراجع... . يتقهقر,, يشع.. يشع.. يشع.. يشع

مثل الآلهة الذين صعدوا ولم تنحدر خطواتهم

في هذا المكان

يا مصابيح المدنية

أسطعى على الاقدام الحافية

على الدم
على وجه الصبية الشهداء

مبتوري الأطراف

قبلى شفاة الفتيات الصغيرات
فى شارع طرابلس

فى موسم

الربيع أو الخريف



في السهل

فى المرتفعات

كونى كخيط

غرز فى الأرض

ومد الى السماء

قريبا سأصنع لك قلادة

بدلا من هذا


سولارا صباح/ كندا

مايو 2011


An Artist from Libya
Mohammed Binlamin

For decades many aspects of Libyan culture has been overshadowed by the images and manifestations of the Gaddafi tyrannical regime. Libyan writers and artists became a rare breed, stricken with oppression, poverty, and above all ignorance and neglectMohammed Bin Lamin, is a Libyan artist that draws inspiration from his environment and surroundings, born and raised in Misurata, Libya's third largest city, he embodied a combination of the rural and urban in his paintings and works of artHis interest in bright and subtle colours, which reflect in many ways the natural colours of the Libyan landscape, gives him that unique trademark, distinguishing him from other Libyan modern artists. His experimentalist surreal sculptures and digital art works can be in some cases very intriguing, but they reflect his quest to experiment with different materials and freedom from restrictions and conformity.His painted beings, with their deformed, disproportionate, heads and bodies, with their glowing colours of Yellow, green, red, brown and blue, the colours of the Libyan landscape, reflect a torn, sometimes deformed, identity, which tries to mix the different and divers, and conflicting, identities of Libya, a land of desert, and sea, rural and urban, the serious and absurd. The Beings of Mohammed Bin Lamin, are entombed in their colourful, deformed submissive world. They don't seem able to escape their mundane reality, surrendering to a life of boredom and frustration, but not for Long...

Born in Misurata, Libya 1969.- Has Diploma in Ships maintenance.- Artist, Painter, and Sculptor.- Participated in many exhibitions in Libya and outside Libya.- President of the Association of MISURATA Artists.- Member of (ISA) INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF ARTISTS - Sweden- Member of MASTER PHOTOGRAPHERS ASSOCIATION (MPA) UK 2002 .- Member of Artists for peace organization. www.artistsnpeace.org- Judge member for kid competition in paintings and drawings. Misurata- Computer Graphics designer.- Producer for many Digital Graphics arts.- Worked as designer with local publishing company, designed many books covers and logos.- 2002 Worked as Arabic Media designer with (DMC) Digital Media Center. Leeds, UK.

• Exhibitions
2009 Florence Biennale. ITALY-2007 (Hoon's autumn festival) 2007. Hoon.-2007 (The silphium Fair) Benghazi – Libya.-2006 The 8th Changchun China International Sculpture Symposium – with sculpture titled: (Sun of Love). Marble and Bronze.-2006 (BOOK-ART Project) Associazione di Promozione Sociale Artetica) Roma - Italia.-2006 (EL Najem Fair) Tripoli.-2005 (The Open Festival of Fine Art) . Misurata.-2005 (INTERNATIONAL BOOKS FAIR) Tripoli.-2004 (Hannibal Festival) Tripoli .-2004 (PARALLEL STATES). Cairo Atelier. Egypt 11.07.2004.-2003 (festival of Libyan Girl Association) Misurata.-2003 (Mafazat Al Abereen) (sculptures exhibition) .-2001 Edinburgh, The annual side walk gallery.-2000 Electronic Recollections :( Experiences in Color's Electronics & Printer's Sincerity) Misurata.-2000 Gallery Exhibitions with Adnan Maetiq at Alfateeh Tower, Tripoli, Libya .-2000 Participation in International Symposium of Sculpture – Aley 2000 Lebanon, with sculpture titled: (Heavenly Password). Marble and Stainless Steel.-1998 Group Gallery with The artists:Musbah Alkabeer & Adnan Maetiq at (Gallery De Villa) Tripoli, Libya.
• Series
- Yellow Beings (Paintings) 2004 Mixed Media.- Volcano Cards (Paintings) 2004 Mixed Media.- Opera of Spoons 2005 Photographs.- Clown Kingdom 2005 Digital Art.- Remainders of Visionary Beings (Paintings) 2007-08 New Media.- Beings Who is Enclose the White Full Moon 2008 (Paintings) New Media.- My Special Mythical Beings [1] 2008 (Paintings) New Media.- Scarecrows of Nocturnal Fields 2008 (Paintings) New Media.- botanical mummy 2008 Photographs.
1. Mohmmad Bin lamin discovered a new and unknown technical task which is regarded as substantial addition in the world of techniques and media.
2. Mohmmad Bin lamin invented new Media with new technique on the painting based on especial materials using photographic burned - paper. It is inexpensive method and has important results and quick implementation, durable and can be washed with water.

My Artworks

Art Prints